Reaching the client on a trip abroad
Addo Sign reaches out to everyone, both the busy client traveling abroad or the many members of a board. With Addo Sign, we collect signatures digitally, quickly, easily and above all professionally. Effective for both us and our clients.
"We streamline our business by offering clients a simple and easy way to sign agreements digitally. Clients can thus sign contracts, agreements, financial statements, protocols or the like with digital signatures, on the medium they prefer, and when they have time."
– Jesper Langemark, Managing Partner, Bird & Bird
Bird & Bird saves on adminstrative time
Addo Sign supports the entire signature process and handles mailings, reminders and finally distribution of the signed documents. This saves us a lot of administrative time at Bird & Bird.
About Bird & Bird
Bird & Bird is an international law firm that in 2015 included clients from more than 118 countries and employs more than 1,000 legal advisors. Bird & Bird focuses on helping organisations being changed by technology and the digital world.
Ready to get started?
Find out how Addo Sign can help your organisation.